Unable to See the full Organisation Unit Tree in Lock Exception App and Validation Rule Analysis

We upgraded DHIS2 from version 2.28 to version 2.30 and since then we are unable to See the full Organisation Unit Tree in Lock Exception App. What could be the issue?

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Hello Maritim,
Was the upgrade sequential 2.28->2.29->2.30 (plus the upgrade scripts), could you share with us a screenshot? Are the other modules/apps working okay? How is the hierarchy on other apps such as the data entry app or orgunit maintenance?

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Hello @banga,

The sequential upgrade process was followed keenly and no errors were encountered.

The specific Apps that have issues are Validation Rules and Lock Exception.

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How about in the user management app? What is the organisation unit attached to the user? Is it the same?

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Thanks Dennis. We have noticed that it affect everyone including the superusers.


With the DHIS2 version 2.32.2 I have the above issue. The attached screen shot shows the only Organisation Unit that shows on the dashboard filter. The screen shot was taken from a superuser account.

Can someone help me find out what causes this problem. It affects Lock Exception , Data Quality problem,etc.

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