Unable to save and edit charts and table after upgrading to dhis2 2.29


I recently upgraded a dhis2 local instance from version 2.22 to version 2.29. I tried to create and edit a few charts and tables but every time I hit the save button I get stuck on the loading message. I checked the logs and I found the error bellow:

WARN 2019-02-26 11:24:33,729 SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 42703 (SqlExceptionHelper.java [qtp277630005-104])

  • ERROR 2019-02-26 11:24:33,741 ERROR: column this_.analyticstype does not exist
    Position: 746 (SqlExceptionHelper.java [qtp277630005-104])

I do not know what this error means so I will be grateful for any help I can get on finding a solution to this error.


Hi @angulube,
I think the error shows that the column analyticstype does not exist.
Qn. Did you make sequential upgrade? If yes, would you please clear cache, run maintenance and then run analytics. Let us know if this works


Hello @Emma_Kassy

Qn. By sequential upgrade do you mean running the upgrade scripts? If yes, I did do so. I also cleared my cache, ran maintenance and ran analytics after starting up my upgraded local instance. I am still having the same issue.


Hello @Emma_Kassy,

I have just found out that my program indicator app is not opening.

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Hello @Emma_Kassy,

I think I have resolved the issue. I had to manually add the column analyticstype to the programindicator table. I am now able to save and edit my pivot tables and charts. My program indicator app is also able to open now. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction @Emma_Kassy.
