Unable to install DHIS2 in my laptop

Hello everyone, I would like to install DHIS2 in my laptop and unable to do so.
Here are the apps that I have installed in my laptop:

  1. dhis2-stable-41.0.1.war
  2. apache-tomcat-9.0.93.exe
  3. openlogic-openjdk-11.0.24+8-windows-x64.msi
  4. postgis-bundle-pg14-3.4.2x64.zip
  5. postgresql-14.13-1-windows-x64.exe

After running tomcat, the dhis2 files are not copying in PgAdmin4. Please advise…

Thanks and regards

@Awaneesh for v.40 and above you need java 17 openjdk

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I have installed java17 openjdk but still the issue remains same. The dhis2 database is not copying into pgadmin and also localhost:8080/dhis doesn’t work. localhost:8080 is working but /dhis doesn’t work.
Is there any way re-check the point that I am missing while installing the DHIS2?

Rename your war file to dhis.war and restart tomcat

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