Unable to display programs and registration form from dhis android capture

Hello everyone,
I have created an organization unit, a program and an event tracking form.
I’ve created a user for data entry, I’ve given the user the role of data entry and access to applications, data entry, capture, dashboard and cache manager.
However, I am unable to access the organizational unit created, the form and the data entry.
Perhaps I’ve missed a step, if you could please help me.
I would like to create a program, associate it with an organization unit, create 3 forms accessible from the same unit and be able to enter data in each form from an Android tablet.


How are you trying to access the OUs and form? Which app are you using specifically? Can you first test on the web?

Please make sure you’ve also assigned the OUs to the user from the user’s settings, and that the program is also shared with the OUs assigned to the user.

Hello and thank you for your reaction,
I am using dhis android capture on a tablet, I have created an organization with its hierarchy, and a tracker program which has two forms, I would like to access these forms from android capture but I must have misconfigured everything as I get the error message below.
“…You don’t have access to data. Contact your admin…”
I’ve assigned the organizational units to the user from the user settings, the program is also shared with the organizational units assigned to the user, but I still get the same error message.
Thanks for your help,

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Make sure your android user has data capture access to the program but also to the tracked entity type as well.

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I think I’ve given this access to my android user, I’m attaching the images below.