Typical custom form functionality: Conditional expressions and "cross-period" data

Hello team,

As far as I know, our indicators do not support conditionals which are easily expressed in a spreadsheet, for example like this:


Another issue is how to combine data from different periods - say opening balance of the month should automatically be closing balance from last month - so you would either have to copy the value, or just display the closing balance.

I suppose this would currently have to be done with a Javascript function in a custom form which then also triggers the WebAPI. If someone has nice examples to share, it would be great.

Maybe we could also build up a repository of how-tos for more advanced forms, as part of the documentation and/or as cookbook recipies in an online repository such as this one:



Knut Staring

Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo

Norway: +4791880522

Skype: knutstar
