Translation in DHIS2 2.36

Dear Team,
I am trying to perform dataElement translation using the DHIS2 translation App, I am able to add the translations and consequently see them on the DataElement tab as french with the database language changed to French. What is funny is that the same translated datElement appears in English on dataEntry mode. Please help

Hi @sosewe ,

Please clear the cache using “Cache cleaner app” and try again. You should be able to view the translations.


@rithvik thank you for you quick response and suggestion,Unfortunately, I have tried that so many times with same results(not showing), I have even gone to the point of cleaning local storage and running in the private mode on the browser, still not showing. This is not affecting old translations but just the new ones. On the Data Element view, I can see the French name(Meaning translation was saved) but just not on the data entry form.

Hi @sosewe ,

Did you add translations for Short Name & Form Name as well for the Data Elements? If not, please add and try again.


@rithvik nothing has changed after making the changes and clearing local storage, cache and history. see below my image.

Please let me know if there are anymore tricks to be deployed to have this work.

Hi @sosewe ,

I know you have already mentioned that you have changed the db language but can you reconfirm that?

I tried adding translations to a data element in 2.36.11 play demo instance and it worked fine after clearing cache.
So can you reproduce the same thing on play demo instance once and see?

One other way to check if translations are added properly:
Go to maintenance app → Data Elements
Right click on the data element and click on translations from the menu.
A pop up will appear and you can select French from dropdown and see if the translations are present. If not, then add them and retry.


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@rithvik thank you so much for the pointers, I realised much later that this was a custom form and hence the struggles. Have you done translation for a custom dataset?

Hi @sosewe ,

Unfortunately I never tried that. I will take a look at it once and get back to you if I find anything.
