Tracker Data Values Import

Hello, community,
I have a couple of questions about the tracker capture:

  1. Can I have a tracker program without program stages? Individual-level data is being collected but there are no stages to be followed up on
  2. I have about 2 million rows of individual-level information I want to push into DHIS2 tracker. How can I use an API for this?

Hi @Rae

Yes, you can have a single stage only.

Yes, you can use Tracker Import (/api/tracker), explanation in the docs: Tracker - DHIS2 Documentation
You can post back if there’s anything there that’s not clear please!

I appreciate the response. To reiterate, there are no stages to be followed up on so can I create a program without any program stage?

Yes, you can technically create a Tracker program with zero program stages. If I understand correctly, all the needed data will be in the ‘enrollment’ (tracked entity attributes)?

Yes, correct

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