Tracker Capture save error


I have created a program for tracker capture. After saving data value using registration form, I am getting some error in browser console ‘Cannot read property ‘path’ of undefined’. In section timeline data entry, stage form not showing.

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Hey there, can you provide a screenshot of the error you are seeing?
Which version of DHIS2?

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Screenshot of error…
Here loader image is shown always.

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I came to know that this error is on dataentry-controller.js file and error on orgUnit.path line…
Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue so that i can create program stages in tracker event. As i remove program stage, error doesnot appear. As soon as i add program stage, it shows this error in tracker validation data entry stage form…

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There seems to be some problem with the “DH Bidar” organisation unit that causes the crash. Can you open this org unit from the org unit app and see if everything looks normal?

What version of DHIS2 are you running? Open the “About DHIS2” screen from the top right dropdown menu to find this.


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Same error. Normal user cannot get the same orgUnit. Superuser can.
It seems that happens when user has not “Search tracked entity instance across all orgUnit” role. Makes that sense?

It’s the same ou

I’ve realized that after loading and reloading multiple times, chaning from one patient to another it ends up working without changing anything else…

Update: The system keeps loading the whole OUTree!!! It can be really big depending the case.,displayName,path&_=1588838394832

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Thanks @JIMENEZ_POMARETA_Ram we suffered from this in the past so it’s interesting to see that it’s happening to more people. Could you explain the solution you finally provided to this?

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Thanks Nacho ! (The system does not allow to write more than 3 messages one after the other).

I think I discovered the error source by chance !

It happens when, opening the entry, there’s a value that is not expected for the optionset of its dataelement !

Can you @Markus please, validate it ? We can open a ticket if needed.

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