Tracker Capture App install & activation

Dear DHIS2 Community!

I am writing to request assistance in activating and installing Tracker Capture in our DHIS2 platform.

Tracker Capture is a mobile application that allows us to capture data in DHIS2 from the field. We believe that this application will be a valuable tool for us to improve the quality and timeliness of our data collection.

I have already downloaded the Tracker Capture app in DHIS2. However, I am not sure how to activate it and install it in our DHIS2 platform.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the following information:

  • How to activate Tracker Capture in DHIS2 plant form
  • How to install Tracker Capture on Android devices
  • Any other relevant information about Tracker Capture

Thank you for your time and assistance.


Hi @sami.abdulsattar

Thank you for sharing with the community about your interest in using the DHIS2 mobile application, and indeed the app is a valuable tool for any implementation! The DHIS2 android app is called DHIS2 Capture app and it can be downloaded to android phones either from an app marketplace such as Google or using the APK file from the DHIS2 Github repository.

I don’t understand what do you mean “plant form” do you mean the OU hierarchy or user levels? By default, the Android DHIS2 Capture app can be used to login to any instance as long as the user knows the server URL and has credentials to access the instance.

Whatever authorities and sharing settings the user is given the information that can be accessed on the Android app will be accessible if it’s also accessible on the web browser.

There are more advanced settings that an Administrator can use to control the app settings even more which you can read more about here: Settings configuration - DHIS2 Documentation

In your phone go to Google play store and search for DHIS2 Capture then download it and it will be ready to be used, or you can use the github repository to get the APK and manually install it in an android system: Releases · dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app · GitHub The installations might differ from android version to another. Additionally, I remember that there was a way to ensure that the capture app is receiving updates from the instance directly from the instance but I’m not able to find the explanation which is probably in the docs.

Defiantly, there is a lot more information and key points to consider before implementing using the Android app so please check out the documentation: Introduction - DHIS2 Documentation

Thanks! I hope this helps…