The role of Eye Tracker Tool embedded in DHIS2 in the follow-up and management of Patients with eye Conditions and addressing the data quality issue around eye data in Public Health Facilities

This abstract has been accepted at the 2024 DHIS2 Annual Conference

The role of Eye Tracker Tool embedded in DHIS2 in the follow-up and management of Patients with eye Conditions and addressing the data quality issue around eye data in Public Health Facilities

This abstract addresses the persistent challenges in patient follow up and data quality within eye related healthcare in Rwandan public health facilities. Despite efforts outlined in the Eye Strategic Plan 2018 2024, issues such as missed appointments, referral challenges, operational delays in surgery, and data quality problems persist. To tackle these challenges, the Eye Tracker Tool, integrated into DHIS2, was introduced. Developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, including HISP Rwanda and the Digital office, this tool aims to revolutionize patient management, improve data quality, and prevent avoidable visual impairment. The abstract outlines objectives, methods, and results, showcasing a transformative impact, improved reporting efficiency, patient redirection to hospitals, and expanded roles beyond patient tracking. Challenges faced during implementation, such as initial user resistance and integration issues, are discussed. Results highlight the tool’s success, with over 360,000 registrations, 60,000 referrals, and 18,000 surgeries within four years. The abstract emphasizes the urgent need for innovative solutions in eye related healthcare, documenting the introduction process, transformational impacts, and practical insights for future implementations. It concludes by advocating for broader global implementation of similar tools and highlighting the lessons learned from this transformative initiative. In the intervention described above, DHIS2 (District Health Information System 2) plays a central role in the implementation of the Eye Tracker Tool to enhance patient follow up and data quality for eye conditions in Rwandan public health facilities. Here’s how DHIS2 is utilized in this context: Data Management DHIS2 serves as the platform for integrating the Eye Tracker Tool into the existing health information system. It acts as the overarching system that facilitates the incorporation of innovative tool for eye related healthcare. The Event Report, Tracker capture, and data visualization application embedded in DHIS 2 are being used for data management, all the information of patients under follow up and also address the data quality around eye care use the information registered into Eye Tracker Tool embedded in DHIS2 Patient Registration and Tracking: The Eye Tracker Tool, embedded within DHIS2, enables the systematic registration and tracking of patients with eye conditions using the Tracker CAPTURE app in DHIS2. The tool likely utilizes the DHIS2 framework to capture and manage patient data efficiently. Dashboard Customization: Time series analysis and dashboard creation are performed within the DHIS2 framework. The customized dashboards allow users to visualize trends in eye case registration, referrals to health centers, and other key indicators related to eye healthcare.

Primary Author: Jean Bosco NDAYAMBAJE

• Visual impairment, eye-related healthcare, patient data management, data quality, innovative solutions, Eye Tracker Tool, collaborative initiative