The next App Platform: Replacing CRA with Vite - Developer Meetup September

Hi everyone!

This month we’ve got an exciting announcement to share with you at the Developer Meetup. We’re going to be updating the DHIS2 App Platform to replace Create React App (CRA) with Vite.

The meetup is: 2024-09-12T09:00:00Z (localized to your timezone)

With React sunsetting CRA some time ago it was time to move on, and the choice has landed on Vite. Vite is an excellent replacement and modernizes the App Platform even further.

You will see a presentation from @kpvandivier who’s been working on this upgrade for a while and it’s almost ready to be released. Furthermore you can ask all your questions about this change directly after the presentation.

Do you have experience with Vite already, then this meetup is also for you! You will be able to figure out what it means in the DHIS2 App Platform, and maybe even give your insights to help improve the App Platform or other participants.

Join the Developer Meetup to see how everything works, and what to expect when you upgrade your application to the new (to be released) version of the App Platform.

Register here to join the meetup, or click the link in your previous registration email to join the session at the start time. 2024-09-12T09:00:00Z


Thanks @austin for presenting at the Developer Meetup yesterday. Here’s the slides (provided by @kpvandivier) that was presented during the meetup. We’ll upload the recording soon and I’ll comment here when it is there!

CRA to Vite - frontend meeting.pdf (346.6 KB)

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Thank you for sharing the presentation, waiting for the recording.


Hi all,

The recording of this Meetup can now be found on YouTube. By the looks of it quite a few of you already found it!