The field "TB Labo: Xpert Results - RIF" is not displayed on the Android

Hi, Community;

In the lab results stage of the TB Tracker package; the field “TB Labo: Xpert Results - RIF” is not displayed on the Android Version, even if the variable: #{GeneXUltraMTBCurrent} == ‘DETECTED’

The same for the field “TB Labo: Xpert Results Ultra - RIF”

Thank you for your support

Hi @elmoujarrade

Thank you for sharing! Is this something we can reproduce in one of the play instances please? Credentials: android / Android123

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Hi, @Gassim
The version on the Play instance is outdated.

I am using the following version:
TB Case Surveillance
DHIS2 Version: DHIS2.36
Package Version: 1.0.1
Updated: 25 Jan 2022

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Hi, sorry for late response. I will try to reproduce this on android and report back to you. Seems like a bug.


To find out more about the issue, can you try to replicate the same error using a different test? Try with Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra and Truenat. Do you see the same behavior?

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Hi, @YuryR

Yes, the same behavior with Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra and Truenat.

Thanks for your support.

Do you have an online demo instance I could test? You can send me a PM with login details.

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