Tei with no enrollment from Mobile app

We are using DHIS2 server in version 2.33 with a tracker program.
The information for each tracked patient consist in some basic information and several pictures organized on one stage. Each patient can have several events, each one with images. All the information comes from an Android application.

Recently we have been facing a problem with emnpty TrackEntityInstances. They come just with one of the Entity attributes filled up (the one we use as code for the patient).
Those TEIs do not appear in the list of TEIs but they do when they are searched for, with the message “No im - nci participant found in the selected program. Showing results from other programs”
When I click on the Tei shown it takes me to the same program.

My question is, Which search is that window performing to get the PID?
As this is a syncronization and the information we need is mostly included in the images, I would delete all the PIDs in the same situation before asking the field people to try the syncronization process again.

Thank you

Hello @JaimeLopez,

do you know if the TEIs are actually enrolled in the program when they are uploaded to the server? Can you see any error in the Android app? Or do they appear as correctly synced?

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Hello @vgarciabnz

The TEIs should be authomatically enrolled in the program when they are uploaded to the server from the android application.

In this case the enrollment some how was not completelly performed.
My quuestion is Which search does the search window perform when a PID is not found in the program? (when it shows that “No im- nci participant found in the selected program. Showing results from other programs”)
I do not ffind the way to search for the PID using SQL or the API.
I want to locate all PIDs in the same situation, delete them and ask the field people to perform the upload again.

Thank you

Hi @JaimeLopez,

this message ““No im- nci participant found in the selected program. Showing results from other programs””, is it displayed in the web application or the android application? If it is the web application and you want to use the API, you can click on F12 in your browser and select the “Network” tab. Then, you can do the search in the application and look for the API request that is actually returning the TrackedEntity and get the query used for that.