TEI Export does not export tracked entity instances with their enrollments (in import export app)

Hi all,
I hope you are all doing well.
I am trying to export TEIs from one DHIS2 instance to another instance using the TEI Export and TEI Import feature of the Import/Export App.

The issue: the data exported with the TEI export does not contain the enrollments part

For this reason, when these data are imported using the TEI import app, the data are imported successfully but you can’t find them in the tracker in the trackers list because they don’t have enrollments. You can only find them using their tracked entity instance ids like this: your_server/api/trackedEntityInstances/oItVJRFTzJE.json. If anyone has had the same issue, I will be glad to hear from you.

Looking forward to your support.


Hi @mauricejm

Welcome back to the community!

What version of dhis2 are you using? Are you able to reproduce this in any of the play.dhis2.org instances?
