Tablet recommendations for using new Android app?

Hi DHIS2 community,

For the previous three years, my organization has used Google Nexus 7 tablets with DHIS2 apps, but they are in need of replacement.

Which tablets are organizations buying to use with DHIS2’s new Android app? I’m aware of the current recommended specs (DHIS2 mobile device recommendations - Google Docs), and many tablets fit those specs.

Have you heard of organizations using the Amazon Kindle Fire 8 tablets (less than US$100!)? They meet most of the specs. They use Fire OS (built on Android OS), which presents obstacles, but may still be workable. Do you have insight?

Patrick Gallagher
Nascent Solutions
Alexandria, Virginia, USA


Hi @pgallagher1,

I believe that as long as the device meets the minimum specs required for running the app (Though I would prefer if you worked with the recommended specs), and also fits your organization’s budget and requirements.



Tagging @dhis2-android team to see if they have any particular experience with Fire OS.


Hi @pgallagher1,

I checked with the team and we don’t foresee any incompatibility with the Amazon Kindle Fire 8 tablets. But we have not tested them and have not heard from anyone using them with the DHIS2 Android App.

Please let us know how it goes if you decide to test them, as it seems like a very good option for device acquisition.



Sorry, continuing a very old conversation from 3 years ago. But if anyone is coming across this thread when searching for Kindle Fire. I though it useful to add this.

I have just bought 4 Kindle Fire 7’s from Amazon as they has a one day sale. They cost me €48 each for the 16GB model with no ads. I have sideloaded the DHIS2 app from and it works without problems.

I have to say the Kindle Fire 7 is not the greatest tablet but it was very cheap!


Thanks for letting us know @swoodworth . If I can recommend something regarding this is that you could use directly our trusted sources for the APK in github: Releases · dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app · GitHub in order to avoid going to secondary markets. I know the one you listed is very well known and trusted but we cannot warranty that.