SMS gateway configuration - WSDL format

Hello all ,

We recently purchased a SMS service from a telecom provider, they give us a soap WSDL based API which i couldn’t map correctly to DHIS2 format. I could test it using Soap UI tool but puzzled how to configure on DHIS2

Shall i request any of the experts here to share some lights on how to troubleshoot on this?

Here is WSDL end point they shared:

and request XML format which shall be used in Soap UI

   <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="">
          <sendSMS soapenv:encodingStyle="">
             <username xsi:type="xsd:string">smsbrand_NIP</username>
             <password xsi:type="xsd:string">password</password>
             <brand_name xsi:type="xsd:string">MOH-LAO PDR</brand_name>
             <msisdn xsi:type="xsd:string">123123</msisdn >
             <language_id xsi:type="xsd:int">0</language_id >
             <content xsi:type="xsd:string">Test170521 1</content >
          </sendSMS >

@chase.freeman Hello Chase, I saw some of your old replies and observations related to SMS, would you help me share some lights on this issue?

Hi @jthomas - Have you checked out the documentation on setting up SMS Gateways on the DHIS2 side, first?

The DHIS2 gateway connects the 3rd party SMS service provider with DHIS2’s SMS service module which interacts with the API and can be shared throughout other DHIS2 modules in order to expose SMS capabilities for thinks like registrations and reminders.

Part of the confusion for some when setting up an SMS gateway in DHIS2 for the first time is understanding the ‘types’ of gateways available for configuration. If you have never done this in DHIS2 it may not be obvious what a ‘generic’ gateway is – basically the DHIS2 gateway is just a connection layer between your service provider and the DHIS2 API.

So, rather than transform the payload to match DHIS2, you need setup the SMS gateway with Auth, keys, and any parameters that are outlined in the Gateway config in the docs and/or required to by your service.

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