SMS Command Single Event


I’m working on registration of single events through SMS, but I struck a problem and hope somebody can help me.

In 2.12 you can create a SMS command connected to a dataset, then edit the command and create codes that is tied to the data elements. Single event is not connected to data sets, but to programs. I can now create a commands that is connected to a program instead of a dataset, but when I go to edit the data elements in the program does not show, so I can’t create any codes in the command.

I guess it has something to do with that /dhis-api/dataelement is connected to datasets, but not to programs.

Programs has kind of their own datalement-methods in /dhis-api/program.

Any idea or tips on how I can import the programs data elements in edit-sms-command.vm would be much appreciated!

  • Snorre Olimstad

PS: This is the current code that import the data elements into edit-sms-command.vm:

#foreach( $dataElement in $dataElements)

#if ($dataElement.categoryCombo && $dataElement.categoryCombo.sortedOptionCombos) 

      	#foreach($x in $dataElement.categoryCombo.sortedOptionCombos)    

     	     #set ($str = ""+$""+$



                           $ $



                           <input type="text" name="$$" value='$!codes[$str]' class="validate">







       <td><input type="text" name="$"></td>   


