I am working on some development for the DHIS2 UI, and I would like to set up the DHIS2/UI for my local development environment. Specifically, I want to test some functionality on the data visualizer. How can I link the two codebases so that changes made in the DHIS2/UI reflect on the data visualizer app?
I believe it’d be the same process as creating a new app. You can fork the Data Visualizer app repository and then follow the same steps as linking the app to ‘localhost’ for dev purposes (Environment Setup | DHIS2 Developer Portal).
Thanks for replying @Gassim .
I have already setup the data visualizer app for my local development. However, I would like to setup the @dhis2/ui app so that I can tweak it for it to be used with the data visualizer app.
The data visualizer app depends on the dhis2/ui for the frontend components ie dhis2/ui is added as a dependency in the data visualizer app.
My question is, how do I setup up the @dhis2/ui to work with the data visualizer?
Okay, I think I understand your question now. Thanks for the clarification. You’ll need to use yarn in the same app directory to install the dependency. As explained in DHIS2 UI Library | DHIS2 Developer Portal
To get started using the DHIS2 UI library, navigate to your project and add @dhis2/ui as a dependency:
If you have suggestions for improving the functionality for the analytics library, perhaps you’d like to open a feature request in our Jira (DHIS 2 Software - Issues - Jira)?
Thanks @tzemp ,
I would like to run it locally. I have already forked the repo. How do I configure it locally? I would like to know how to link it with the data visualizer app for local development.
at the moment we don’t have documentation on how to contribute to the analytics library codebase.
It is considered an internal library used by the analytics apps.
If you have a specific issue you’d like to see fixed and you think the problem is in the analytics library, you can open a ticket in JIRA about it.