Setting sync parameters on server in addition to device?

Hello @dhis2-android community,

I am wondering if it is A.) prudent and B.) possible to come up with a way to set “sync settings” or “sync filters” on the server? I know it is possible to do it per device but I think there are some advantages if we could also set these parameters via the core UI as a configuration rather than each device.

I would love to hear your thoughts on if this is possible to implement in the future and if so, is it prudent–why or why not?


  • Admins/superusers wouldn’t have to sync full system configs/data initially (before being able to set sync parameters).
  • Better management for large “fleets” of devices
  • More flexible and granular control of what is synced to each device per user/program/OU

I’m happy to create a Jira ticket for a discussion amongst Devs but wanted to reach out to the community first.

To be clear, I am talking about the “sync parameters” in in the attached screenshot:


Hi @chase.freeman,

Good news is we are working in a web app to configure all these settings server side (it is almost ready). You can follow this jira ticket to follow up the implementation in the app or this one for the android sdk.


Awesome, that is great to hear. I’ll follow along via JIRA.