After creating a TEI specifying the event date and organisation unit, when I want to create a program stage event for that TEI, I’m still asked for organisation unit, how can I eliminate this step.
I think it creates room for data quality issues where a TEI belongs to org_unit_A but the follow-up/program stage event for this same TEI is assigned to org_unit_B. In my case, once the TEI is tied to an organisation unit, subsequent program stage events/followups for this TEI should be tied to the same org_unit.
Is there a way to elimitate this from the configuration?
I think this is the default workflow, initially. I’m not sure why it’s changed in your instance. Would it be possible to share a short recording or screenshots to understand exactly how it’s changed from the usual? Like you said, the expected is that when you enroll the TEIs in an OU, the program stages are expected to be in the same OU (unless intentionally transferred/moved into another OU).
Thank you for the clarification and the video. I didn’t know you were referring to the android capture app. Yes, it looks like the workflow is different from the web capture app.
I did recorded this short GIF for comparison:
I’m triaging to @dhis2-android to get their attention and insight. Thank you!
@nancyesp Ahaa, thanks for letting us know. I can’t wait for the new 3.1.1 ! @Gassim Yes, particularly on the android capture (v3.1). Thanks for your help! Much appreciated.