Searching Data elements in an Event program

We have a very simple Event program but with along list of 151 Data elements.
Is it possible to search this list in Capture Android app, ideally using a QR-code?

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HI @George_McGuire We currently do not allow that functionality in event programs, we do have an open Jira issue that we are analyzing [ANDROAPP-6313] - Jira, however it is not clear yet what version this might be released. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions

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Hi @George_McGuire

Thanks @Xavi for the help.

I’m curious about the use case too. I would like to know how often do you need to search the 151 data elements? (such a long form!) Are they all listed under each other? Are you looking for the values already entered or looking for the field to enter values?


Yes, we would like to search only for the Data elements.
The search is needed every time the Event program is used. The pharmacist will select about 60 products (DE) one by one with a barcode scanner and record a quantity they want to order.

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Hi @Xavier, thanks a lot for the quick answer. In addition to the JIRA ticket is there a roadmap entry (which I understand supersedes JIRA for new functionality and development requests)?

Okay, thanks! Good to have a closer look at the scenario itself, so this is only during data entry. So in your program an ‘order’ is an event? :slight_smile:

@George_McGuire, I also would like you to please check out the comment in the jira issue by @nancyesp , is that the same idea? Would you like to add a comment with the step by step scenario?

  1. Pharmacist would like to make an order (event)
  2. Scans QR (data element) using bar code
  3. Enters the quantity (value)
    You would like the Pharmacist during data entry to search these data elements? :sweat_smile::pray: Sorry if it’s not completely clear for me yet
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Hi Gassim. As far as I know JIRA tickets for new features are no longer treated and I would therefore like to add a roadmap issue (unless it already exists) instead.
My request is exclusively for Capture Android app on a mobile device not for DHIS2 Capture web app (which is indicated in the JIRA ticket). Unlike the JIRA ticket (referring to a working list) I am looking for a filter during Data entry on a mobile device:
Scenario, the pharmacist:

  • uses a dedicated event program for ordering a few dozen items, each with an item description and a quantity
  • Opens the event program
  • Selects OU and data from a drop-down menu
  • Scans a QR-code for searching for the first item: the list of Data elements is filtered and a single item is shown
  • Enters the order quantity
  • Scans the second QR-code
  • Enters the quantity for the second item, etc.
  • Completes (saves) the Event which can no longer be changed
  • The Event program is linked with mSupply which will record the order, treat it and ship the goods to the OU
    This is he same functionality as any Tracker program such as the DHIS2-RTS (Real-Time Stock management).


Thanks for your patience and the detailed response. It’s great to have the detailed scenario, the expectation is here

which works in a Tracker Program but not in an Event program.

Yes, it’s not exactly the official way of doing so, but I believe @Xavi is looking into that ticket; however, I agree with you and encourage you’d add the ‘idea’ to the new tool (see ideas) so that I can also share the discussion with the team.

Thank you!

Thanks Gassim, will adds this as new idea.

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Hi Sam, thanks for your help. Searches are only possible in Tracker programs (where we routinely use barcodes) but not in Event programs as there are no search options in Event programs at all.

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