We have one tracker program installed on android phones. Apart form normal search inside the tracker program, there is another option to search outside the program as shown in the image below. What does this functionality mean technically?
The explanation is clear, but I have one more question: If our current program (A) has attributes (Last Name, First Name, Gender, Date of birth, Phone, nationality) in the registration form and if we had another program (B) with the following attributes (Last Name, First Name, Gender, Mother’s name, Country of origin ) in the Registration form, if we wanted to enroll a tracked entity instance from program B into program A, would it automatically pull data from related fields (Last Name, First Name, Gender)? or for that to happen, both programs must have a relationship?
Hi @hernandezmachava
Here to search the two programs if the user has access to more than one program.
It can not be automatic.
You can transfer the registration of a tracked entity instance from Program B to Program A by:
1- The user must have access to the two programs (A&B).
2- You must enter Program B and choose an instance of a tracked entity, and through the three points. Program registrations are selected.
Then choose the program to which you want to copy the data.
Attached is an illustrative image