Root organisation unit problem.

Hi Khant,

Sending this back to the users list. The message you linked to was me trying to help Astrid. Not sure if she resolved it.

Try and open Organisation Unit level and click on Save. Or did you import levels also from SL?

Is your problem that you are not able to create groups?



On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 3:26 PM, Khant Mg Mg wrote:

Dear Knut,
I assign myself (admin user) to root org unit. But that didn’t solve the problem. I thought you also faced that kind of problem previously. I saw that on

If you’ve solved that problem, can you please share your solution?

Please try and open Organisation Unit level and click on the SAVE button

I assume you have not tried to connect to a Posgresql database?



On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Khant Mg Mg wrote:

I didn’t import anything. I create the first org unit (the root org unit) and it shows nothing in level column. I already assigned myself (admin user) to the root org unit. The problem still present. In org unit level, there is only level1. I didn’t touch anything in org unit level.

My problem is that I cannot create org unit group, org unit tree did not appear in dataset.

Knut Staring

Department of Information, Evidence and Research
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Office: +41 22 791 3683 Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931 Mob2: +47 9188 0522
Skype: knutstar

On 7 Feb 2018 9:07 pm, “Knut Staring” wrote:

Hi Khant,

Sending this back to the users list. The message you linked to was me trying to help Astrid. Not sure if she resolved it.

Try and open Organisation Unit level and click on Save. Or did you import levels also from SL?

Is your problem that you are not able to create groups?


On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 3:26 PM, Khant Mg Mg wrote:

Dear Knut,
I assign myself (admin user) to root org unit. But that didn’t solve the problem. I thought you also faced that kind of problem previously. I saw that on

If you’ve solved that problem, can you please share your solution?