Report builder app HIS west


i have a question concerning the report builder app this app doesn’t accept tracker programs we cannot also select event items meaning data elements that are in the tracker programs

how can we address this ???

Hi @mugisha_alain

The Report Builder app does say that it works for both Tracker and Aggregate, so it’s not clear why you’re not able to select that data. It’d be very helpful if you could provide screenshots for a start.


We are able to view the data elements for both aggregate and tracker programs, so it seems there is no issue with the app itself. Could you please check the browser’s network activity to inspect the API calls related to loading the data?

also can you share the versions of DHIS2 and report builder app.

Is it compatible with your DHIS2 app? If not, you may need to fix it by making the necessary code adjustments yourself.

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am using DHIS2 2.40.1 version and report builder app V2.0.1 when i inspect i get this error: TrackerDimensionsDialog.js:36
GET http://localhost:8080/api/programs.json?paging=false&fields=id,name?fields=…ts[id,dataElement[id,name]%20]%20]&filter=programType:eq:WITH_REGISTRATION 400 (Bad Request)