Render Type not working

Render Type not working in 2.31.4 and 2.31dev

When we migrated from 2.28>2.31.4 we had many data elements in tracker program with render types vertical radio (but probably also same problem in event program) , but render types were still working even though the render type in the maintenance application were not explicitly mentioned as vertical radio button.

but now we are trying to create additional data elements with an option set but we can’t make it render as radio button nor any of the other render types.

to replicate the error, try to make one of the data elements in a tracker program render as radio buttons or any other types, it won’t work (tested on and on

the above was discovered while troubleshooting why radio buttons are still editable even if the form is blocked after completion; but we couldn’t replicate the error because the above bug because we can’t create new radio buttons nor render old multiple values as radio buttons.

Anyone else facing the same problem?

logged this in JIRA under #DHIS2-7296


Any updates on this issue?

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“RenderTypes” were not introduced until after 2.28, but there was still an option to render data elements as radio buttons. The previous property (Found in 2.28) is still available in the database, but is being removed soon as it has been replaced by the new RenderTypes.

RenderTypes was primarily introduced to improve forms on mobile devices (Android apps), so initially the web apps were not up to date on supporting the RenderTypes. I am not aware of the current status of the RenderTypes and support of it in the web app, but I think maybe @Markus could help you out there.


the render types are very important for our programming. Our previous programs are functionning by luck because the backward compatibility was not dropped yet and we currently can’t create new ones
And at the moment we can’t use them. Should we consider going back to 2.28 in order to be able to use them? (is there actually a way to downgrade to 2.28 from 2.31.5?)
Any updates?
@Markus @mike