Re-run or refresh assigned value of a Program rule

I have a data element which is assigned a value from a program attribute, it works the first time, however when the attribute is update, the value isn’t changed, can someone aid in explaining why this is, and when and how program rules run?



This is typical behaviour, regrettably - but as far as I know, it’s more a cache issues than an update issue.

If update the attribute, and the derived data element does not change - then save the case, close it,and re-open it: is the data element still not updated??

I’ve seen this many times, but the value IS actually updated behind the scene - it’s just not immediately displayed on the dashboard.


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Thanks @Calle_Hedberg for sharing, should be reported as an improvement, because user want the changes reflected immediately.

@drlappies can you share the program rule variable, can you share what source type you are using. Also for the action at what point are you assigning the value?



Hi @Calle_Hedberg and @prosper, thank you for your contributions, apologies for my late response, after doing a hard reset and disabling my cache, everything seems to work better now, thanks

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