Hi, I am a DHIS2 beginner creating my first DHIS2 app. However, when I run the command d2 app scripts init myfirstdhis2app I get this error: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
** at Object.existsSync (node:fs:301:20)**
** at findYarnLock (C:\Users\kawis\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@dhis2\cli\node_modules@dhis2\cli-app-scripts\src\lib\paths.js:16:12)**
My d2 version is 4.2.3 My yarn version is 3.5.1
I am a newbie and I have no idea how to solve this. Any help would be appreciated.
I uninstalled yarn(I think that deletes the yarn.lock file). My Node.js version is v18.16.0 and I installed yarn again first with the .msi file then updated it with npm install --global yarn. The error is still there. It won’t let me create the app.