When I run the d2 app scripts init pmtct to create a new app, am getting the following error below.
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.existsSync (node:fs:290:20)
at findYarnLock (C:\Users\MY PC\AppData\Local\Yarn\Data\global\node_modules@dhis2\cli-app-scripts\src\lib\paths.js:16:12)
The first thought that I got in mind after reading “findYarnLock” is that it might work if you change the directory where you are running the command to create a new app.
Most importantly before trying any of the commands below if nothing works please mention the yarn and npm versions you are using as well as the environment you are working on.
Some of the following commands have helped me resolve so many of these random errors: npm update -g -D
npm audit fix then npm install
Try again in a different directory (avoid folders or directories with restrictions) For example, I had issues installing directly to my desktop so when I changed to a folder in C:\my apps\ it worked.
If you do all the above and it still doesn’t work, after you run d2 app scripts init pmtct check again with d2 app scripts init . in the same directory - see what error appears.
I have this same issue RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.existsSync (node:fs:292:20)
at findYarnLock (C:\Users\Larry\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules@dhis2\cli\node_modules@dhis2\cli-app-scripts\src\lib\paths.js:16:12)
and none of the suggestions seem to work for me
Hi @Tamnjong_Larry_Tabeh : Sometimes this problem occurs when a yarn.lock file does not already exist (we are working on fixing this issue). If that is the source of your problem, you can also try running yarn build before running yarn start. Or, you can create an empty yarn.lock file before yarn start.