Pull datavalues from DHIS2 via apis

Hello Team,
How can I pull data values from the DHIS2 via API?

Hi @Kenyuri,

You can follow this link: Linking DHIS2 to an external web portal using DHIS2 Web API & PHP-MySQL – DHIS2 Web Portal.

API: Your_Server/api/dataValueSets.json?dataSet=Your_Dataset_UID&period=period&orgUnit=Org_Unit&lastUpdated=date (optional)


I’ve tried to use this api but it returns nothing. Kindly assist me with an example of an API that can work.


Also requesting for an API that pull data from a range of period maybe from 2010 to 2015

Hi @julhas,

I am wondering if you help me with a nested web api code

For my tracker program, I would like to query for Tracked Entity attributes (name, age, gender, etc) and data elements of a specific program stage or program in the same request. I have read pages about Event query analytics in the Developer Manual, but I couldn’t get what want.
