PSQLException: ERROR: relation “analytics_enrollment_ ” does not exist

org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [select count(pi) as value,‘202408’ as Monthly from analytics_enrollment_z5pwm6icfvs as ax where (enrollmentdate >= cast( ‘2024-08-01’ as date ) and enrollmentdate < cast( ‘2024-09-01’ as date )) and (ax.“uidlevel4” = ‘wVrE6nHlLe8’ ) and ((coalesce(“KP50mnl6kcE”::text,‘’) = ‘F’)) limit 100001]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation “analytics_enrollment_z5pwm6icfvs” does not exist

Hello @Shamsdine_Ndaw

This error means that you did not run the analytics. You have to run the analytics in the data administration module.


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I emptied the analytics tables and restarted them but once in app visualizer it still shows me this error in my logs

@Shamsdine_Ndaw what do you mean by you restared them ?

is the analytics running successfully ?

Yes @didate i start the analytics in the data administration and is running successfully but I have the same error

Hi @Shamsdine_Ndaw

What version of DHIS2 are you using? Please share the complete Catalina.out log (without sensitive / authentication info) .
