Program indicators - event counts by day, average

Hi All

I have the following situation:
We are doing multiple surveys across multiple surveys sites within an Org Unit. Each survey site will likely have 2, 3 or 4 counts. We first want to determine the average count per survey site and then we want to get the average count across all survey sites (to get the average count per OU).

I am looking to create a program indicator that will count the number of events per day. As the survey counts can be planned on any day within a month I was wondering whether it would be possible to create a program indicator with V{event_count} and Filtered by V{event_date} == Unique - the unique part being my challenge and question.

Once I have the event count per day per survey site, I believe can then create an indicator that averages the counts within that month.

I am not sure whether the “Analytics period boundaries” would play a role here but I am not 100% clear on how that works to be honest.

I understand that this isn’t the easiest concept to explain so if you need clarity or more information please let me know. Any assistance or guidance would be welcome.

Thank you!

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Hi @Terence_Scott

I think you already have the answer by mentioning the “analytics period boundaries” which is required to count the daily events in your use case.

To count the daily events, you don’t need to set the unique part as long as you have set the analytics period boundaries.

Yes! The aggregation type will be set to ‘average’. The “Analytics period boundaries” affect all the program indicators and what gets aggregated. Detailed explanation is here but you can ask if there’s a specific thing in the explanation that’s not clear: Programs - DHIS2 Documentation

I hope this helps…

Thanks very much @Gassim for the help.

Based on the information you provided, I have another question to clarify relating to the documentation.

The “Analytics Period Boundaries” are based on the “reporting period” which can be chosen as the event date or incident date (for Event programs). However, I am interested in setting this boundary as monthly (based on a calendar month) - irrespective of when the incident date is. In some cases, the first incident date could be the 2nd last day of the month, while in others, it could be the first of the month. But the counting of those events should be for the calendar month (e.g., June).

In this case, would I simply set “Period type” to monthly and leave everything else blank (as per the screenshot below)? This is not clear to me in the documentation.

Apologies for the many questions and thank you again for your help!

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You’re welcome. It’ll be really great to receive feedback from you on how it all went and what worked and what didn’t. We’re really learning together and from each other here.

Yes, I think you are right. The other fields is to create more restrictions which doesn’t seem like your requirement. :+1:

Thanks @Gassim

Yes, the analytics period boundaries were necessary but it needed to also include the “analytics period boundary type”. The screenshot below was the correct setting in the end to do a count of all events per month.

Thanks again for the help!

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