Program indicators approaches

Hi @SamuelJohnson and @brian,

Would you please describe each Program indicator approach below? I mean what each approach would bring as a result when it comes to tracker programs.

Aggregation type: Count
Analytics type: Event
Expression: V{tei_count}

Aggregation type: Count
AnalyticsType: Event
Expression: Enrollment count

Aggregation type = Count
Analytics type = Event
expression: V{event_count}

Aggregation type: Count
Analytics type: Enrolment
Expression: V{event_count}

Aggregation type: Count
Analytics type: Enrolment
Expression: V{enrollment_count}

Aggregation type: Count
Analytics type: Enrolment
Expression: V{tei_count}


Hi @dmbantu

It’s challenging when these are written out this way rather than the use case. I’m not sure if all of the above actually work.

First rule is to remember that when we use enrollment type, we want to count the distinct TEIs, but when we want to count the distinct occurrences, we use event type.