Program indicator event status


I have chosen V{event_count} as PI expression, but I do not understand this message (only for event status ACTIVE and/or COMPLETED, it can interfere with event status filter) in the image below.



To the best of my understanding is that event_status can have ACTIVE, COMPLETED and others such as SCHEDULED and CANCELED. so if you’re using event_status in combination of event_count, the status filter should only be for ACTIVE and/or COMPLETED.

Please let me know if this is not clear. If you have some time to run tests experimenting with the different conditions, please share the insights here as well.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi @Gassim,

I do not know if I misunderstood your explanation. As you can see, in the PI expression I have just one variable V{event_count}, so I am not combining V{event_count} and event_status. It is not yet clear to me.


Hi @fernandoshake

Yes, it’s clear. If you are not using event_status in the filter then you don’t need to worry since the note is only if you are combining them, so in your case it should work as expected.
