Program Enrollment notification via email not working

I created a tracker program, I configured email and tested it, it works. I create program notification for enrollment and configured it to send notification via email but nothing is working. What did I miss? not even an error in the logs.

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Hi Moses,
Can you provide a little bit more information. Which version? what type of recipients are configured in NotificationTemplate?


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I am using version 2.31 build 36bfb0b, users in the org units and options tried but not working.

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Bringing this back. I’m using v 2.37 and the particular error I get is that when I select the TEI should be notified by email and then save the settings, no email notification is sent. When I check the program settings again, the email is unchecked yet I checked it.

I reproduced this error on play 2.37.10. The settings to notify the TEI with an email are not persisting or saving despite saving the program settings!

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Hello any response. I upgraded my version for a different problem to and I still have this error.

Has anyone succeeded in sending email notifications to TEI’s email addresses?

Hi @lillian1n2

Could you share the steps to reproduce the issue please? Thanks!

  1. Create a TEI with an email address as an attribute field
  2. Create a program stage
  3. Create a program stage notification.
  4. Specify that the notification should be sent to the TEI at program stage completion
  5. Specify that the notification should be sent via email
  6. Save and exit

When I attempt to then register a TEI, fill out and complete a program stage, I did not receive an email

When I went back to check in the program settings, the send email notification to TEI through email was unchecked, yet I had checked it and saved the settings.

This is what I meant by the settings not persisting.

Am I missing a step in setting up email notifications to TEIs?

@Gassim Any feedback on this?

Okay @lillian1n2 thank you for your patience. I’ve not been able to reproduce this issue since it needs SMTP server configuration and this doesn’t seem that I’ll work on even though I tried to use the idea ‘app password’ you mentioned in one of your other topics.

However, I was able to reproduce the issue that this setting is not fixed. May I ask if you run the ‘send test email’ in the settings, does it work? I just want to make sure that this setting isn’t being saved even in the case where the SMTP server is properly configured and sending emails is working.

If so, would you like to create the Jira bug issue using your account in Projects - Jira and copy paste the steps to reproduce? Then please share the link here. I will make sure I triage this to the software team and get a response then I will update you.

Also, sorry for any delay. Thank you!

Yes, I configured an APP password and a test email was sent perfectly fine. I did that as a first step to have an email sending feature, as I was setting up to send TEIs emails upon program stage completion.

@Gassim Issue created!