Prochain webinaire sur la gestion du COVID-19 dans la région francophone

Bonjour Alice,

A quand la date du nouveau webinaire.
Bonne journée.


Le prochain webinaire aura lieu jeudi 29 octobre comme mentioné ci-dessus. Inscriptions ici




Le formulaire d’inscription est disponible**ici**



Merci Alice
J’y serais

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Please I can’t understand language Ie French, I’m in a English speaking country

Hi Jossy

We will be hosting a webinar for the French-speaking community on COVID-19 with presentations from Mali and Senegal. Kindly disregard this message if you are not a French-speaker.

Thank you


Hi Jossy,

The Coordinator already included that this info is directed to the French speaking community ONLY.
We will surely get related informations later.
( if needs be)

Thanks Alice for the clarification.

Bonjour madame Aké-Lobé, bonjour à tous !

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