Problem with yarn start

I get an error when running yarn start. I am following this guide: Getting started with DHIS2 : Development in platform ecosystems

I get this error when running yarn start:

I tried to install yarn globally and “yarn run start”. But it doesn’t work. I also tried this: Yarn start Error - #3 by nnkogift but this doesn’t work for me

Hi @Thess_Pha

Welcome to the DHIS2 Community and thanks for your post. Sorry to hear you’re facing this issue with yarn.

It says that one of the modules ‘cross-spawn’ can’t be found. My first suggestion would be to delete the node_modules folder and then reinstall by running yarn install again.


I tried to do it but it still didn’t work. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you

Hey @Thess_Pha

You can try running yarn why react-scripts to see if it is installed. If not, you can manually install it using yarn install react-scripts