Problem to installe DHIS2 local instance in my Macbook

I have this errors message
What can i do

Hi Farouk :smile:

it seems like you do not have Docker compose installed. Or it is installed but not found in your path.

Please follow the instructions in the links I provided. I hope this solves your issue :smile:

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I applied your guidelines and I’m still stuck

errors messages

my dockers

what can i do nows?

thank you for your help

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@Farouk can you please post the d2 command you executed on the command line?
Did you get this exact error the first time you ran it?

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Also please make sure you are on the latest d2 version :smile: Thank you!

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d2 cluster up --db-version 2.39 --seed

this code

d2 --version
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Are you on a new Mac with an M1 chip? I see a warning symbol with AMD64 next to the core container. This suggests that the image uses an architecture that does not match your machines.

Please try release 2.39.1 :smile:

See dhis2/core - Multi-architecture images which versions will work on your new Mac (if I am right :yum:).

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Yes 2.39.1 should fix that, it did for me! Make sure you update the d2 cli as well!

d2 cluster up --db-version 2.39 --seed


d2 cluster up --db-version --seed


Have you installed the latest version of the d2 cli?

I would recommend throwing away any image and volume in the docker dashboard to make sure new versions are downloaded, as well as running d2 cluster down --clean <clusterName> on the relevant (2.39 +) clusters that show with d2 cluster list.

After the cleanup and update of the CLI, please try again.


Yes :star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

it’s ok

thank tou @Rene @ivo