Point Feature Type unable to have data capture in Android App

I am using DHIS2 (2.40.5) Tracker and App V 3.1.0
Trying either with Enrollment or TEI point feature type,
I can find “Location” element as shown

But I cannot find geolocation on the app.
I can only capture the coordinates on the mobile app through creating a point type data element

Is there specific setting for Android to enable the collection of coordinates in Enrollment or TEI type?

Hi @kateshih,

There is not a specific setting for Android to enable coordinate collection, the input for the coordinates should appear automatically when configured. It is possible that you changed the configuration in the server after the synchronization? Just to be sure that the Android app is taking the most recent configuration, please go to Settings and click on Sync configuration. Then try again. It the coordinates are still not shown, please let us know.

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Hi! Thanks for your quick response!
The “Sync configuration” have solved my issue!
Seems that I didn’t set up the syncing (metadata/capture data) settings properly :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thanks again!

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