Password Expiry Notifications/Alerts (Email or Application Alerts )

Hi Everyone,

Is there anyone who have used the Password Expiry Alerts feature earlier , How users will get the notifications ?
Is it through DHIS2 application(dhis-web-messaging) or through email.
I have setup the email configuration but not sure weather it will work for expiry alerts.


Hi @besourabh,

Sorry for the late response; I hope you managed to configure your notifications; you can check: Password Expiry Alerts and call out to @Elmarie_Claasen and/ or @WaluQ who have used this for a while now.


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Hi @besourabh

Password expiry alerts will be sent out daily to users 14 days before their password expires. Users will get the notifications sent by email if they have an email address registered in username. You need the email configuration set up.

I am not sure which version of DHIS2 you using but do note there was a bug recently in DHIS where the lastupdated date of the password was null when a users credentials are updated. As long as your version is after this bugfix and you have fixed all the null values then it will work.

