OWNERSHIP_ACCESS_DENIED Error in event creation An error occurred, please check import summary. Response from the server

We are using Version: 2.35.3 Build revision:3492688 Build date:2021-03-29 19:32, I get the following error in the tracker capture When adding new event

Error in event creation
An error occurred, please check import summary.
Response from the server.


Best Regards


Have you found a solution to this problem. Many Thanks

@ntawemma This happens when the user does not have the owner org unit in his capture/search scope. If the program access level is PROTECTED/CLOSED, then the owner org unit should be in the capture scope. If the program access level is OPEN/AUDITED, then the owner org unit should be in the search scope. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Thank you @Ameen I encountered a similar problem and your suggestion helped me address it.

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Having this error on version 40.1…Any solution? Cause the above doesn’t work

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We get this same error in 2.39.6. Our program was working fine in Now we had to force the program to have wider search previlege to prevent this error.

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Hi there,

can anyone share the solution for this issue?

I have following error:

    "httpStatus": "Conflict",
    "httpStatusCode": 409,
    "status": "ERROR",
    "message": "An error occurred, please check import summary.",
    "response": {
        "responseType": "ImportSummaries",
        "status": "ERROR",
        "imported": 0,
        "updated": 0,
        "deleted": 0,
        "ignored": 1,
        "importOptions": {
            "idSchemes": {},
            "dryRun": false,
            "async": false,
            "importStrategy": "CREATE_AND_UPDATE",
            "mergeMode": "REPLACE",
            "reportMode": "FULL",
            "skipExistingCheck": false,
            "sharing": false,
            "skipNotifications": false,
            "skipAudit": false,
            "datasetAllowsPeriods": false,
            "strictPeriods": false,
            "strictDataElements": false,
            "strictCategoryOptionCombos": false,
            "strictAttributeOptionCombos": false,
            "strictOrganisationUnits": false,
            "strictDataSetApproval": false,
            "strictDataSetLocking": false,
            "strictDataSetInputPeriods": false,
            "requireCategoryOptionCombo": false,
            "requireAttributeOptionCombo": false,
            "skipPatternValidation": false,
            "ignoreEmptyCollection": false,
            "force": false,
            "firstRowIsHeader": true,
            "skipLastUpdated": true,
            "mergeDataValues": false,
            "skipCache": false
        "importSummaries": [
                "responseType": "ImportSummary",
                "status": "ERROR",
                "importOptions": {
                    "idSchemes": {},
                    "dryRun": false,
                    "async": false,
                    "importStrategy": "CREATE_AND_UPDATE",
                    "mergeMode": "REPLACE",
                    "reportMode": "FULL",
                    "skipExistingCheck": false,
                    "sharing": false,
                    "skipNotifications": false,
                    "skipAudit": false,
                    "datasetAllowsPeriods": false,
                    "strictPeriods": false,
                    "strictDataElements": false,
                    "strictCategoryOptionCombos": false,
                    "strictAttributeOptionCombos": false,
                    "strictOrganisationUnits": false,
                    "strictDataSetApproval": false,
                    "strictDataSetLocking": false,
                    "strictDataSetInputPeriods": false,
                    "requireCategoryOptionCombo": false,
                    "requireAttributeOptionCombo": false,
                    "skipPatternValidation": false,
                    "ignoreEmptyCollection": false,
                    "force": false,
                    "firstRowIsHeader": true,
                    "skipLastUpdated": true,
                    "mergeDataValues": false,
                    "skipCache": false
                "description": "[OWNERSHIP_ACCESS_DENIED]",
                "importCount": {
                    "imported": 0,
                    "updated": 0,
                    "ignored": 1,
                    "deleted": 0
                "conflicts": [],
                "rejectedIndexes": [],
                "enrollments": {
                    "responseType": "ImportSummaries",
                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                    "imported": 0,
                    "updated": 0,
                    "deleted": 0,
                    "ignored": 0,
                    "importSummaries": [],
                    "total": 0
        "total": 1

The interesting part is the same user had no problem before, and now cannot register new enrollment. Whay it could be? Any suggestions?

I have no idea what happened, but it seems either it was a bug, or something else after restarting the server it started to work as intended. :thinking:

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Hi @Ulanbek
Can you confirm which version are you on? There was a bug which was fixed in the later patch versions.

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Hi @Ameen

That was v.40.2, now I’m on 40.6 and so far have no problems. Thanks


Morning Ameen,

Hope you are doing well. Just answered to your message yesterday and today I have faced the same problem

The interesting part is the same user has a previous normal registrations, and time by time or for unknown reason it cannot register new enrollment…

Maybe should I provide anything additional? Or at least we can look at together by google meet?

Would be great to find the root of ht e problems with your help. Let me know if you have time for this

Thank you

Could this be related? [OCBA & SPIP] Disable program owner cache by tokland · Pull Request #73 · EyeSeeTea/dhis2-core · GitHub

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