Overcoming Connectivity Barriers: The Role of DHIS2 Platform in Enhancing Health Data Management in Eritrea

This abstract has been accepted at the 2024 DHIS2 Annual Conference

Overcoming Connectivity Barriers: The Role of DHIS2 Platform in Enhancing Health Data Management in Eritrea

The implementation of the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) by the Ministry of Health in Eritrea represents a pioneering approach to overcoming the challenges of limited internet infrastructure, a legacy of the country’s extended conflict. Recognizing the critical need for a robust health information system (HIS) that functions effectively in low-connectivity environments, the MoH leveraged DHIS2’s offline capabilities to ensure continuous, reliable data capture and analysis, critical for informed decision-making in health care. In 2015, the transformative potential of DHIS2 was identified by the head of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) during a training academy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This insight prompted a collaborative effort to customize and deploy DHIS2 across the nation’s health system, emphasizing local installation and the development of a comprehensive training program for data management and analysis. The national DHIS2 system’s integration within the MoH’s existing local area networks facilitated secure, efficient data flow from remote zones and sub-zones, directly addressing the connectivity barrier. This model of decentralized data entry and centralized analysis has not only improved the timeliness and accuracy of health data but also enabled the MoH to extend the functionality of DHIS2 through the introduction of the tracker program, aimed at enhancing patient-level data management and monitoring. The partnership with HISP Tanzania has been instrumental in advancing the DHIS2 platform in Eritrea, from customization and configuration to system upgrades and capacity building. This collaboration has enriched the Eritrean health data ecosystem with WHO standardized metadata packages, ensuring the system’s alignment with global health information standards. The strategic adoption of DHIS2 in Eritrea illustrates a significant shift towards leveraging technology to surmount infrastructural challenges, enhancing health data availability, and supporting the MoH’s commitment to data-driven decision-making. This initiative not only showcases the adaptability and scalability of DHIS2 in resource-limited settings but also sets a precedent for other nations facing similar challenges, marking a critical step forward in global health information management

Primary Author: Tuzo Engelbert

DHIS2, Offline, resource-constrained environments, internet connectivity, HISP Tanzania, MoH