Welcome to October’s copmonthly! Many DHIS2 Community of Practice members are active in the community and participate throughout the year. The copmonthly posts is our chance to thank all the active and helpful members.
Seeing how passionate many community members are to share their experiences in the community, we’re announcing the End of Year 2024 event for the fourth year. Your continuous participation has been remarkable and makes us all proud of the community spirit.
Here’s what we will talk about today: 
Top Topics in October 2024
Interactive slideshow displaying the top ten active users during October 2024
Thankful note to all helpful community members:
Good Samaritans (freely volunteering to help other community members)
Feature finders
Bug hunters
copmonthly DHIS2 Challenge
End of Year Event
copmonthly Map
New section: We’re Almost There! (topics that need a little more support)
Top Topics in the Community for October 2024
Several core team posts last month were greatly noticed: DAC2025 announcement, Dev meetup post, and new push analytics service. Additionally, other popular topics showed great examples of community members contributions:
The first top topic came from a community member who decided to share his ‘deployment’ solution, https://community.dhis2.org/t/dhis2-deployment-automation/61425/8 @salad.guyo
Another similar topic is a guide shared by developer @nnkogift, Using App Runtime in a Next JS application
Then there was the ‘Invalid Dates Error in DHIS2 Analytics Table Update’ thread with community members helping each other (@Gerald_Thomas, @Stephan_Mestach, and @ctejo)
Another top topic where a community member shared resources to help answer a question, Where can I read about the main difference between an App and a Plugin in the App Platform - #3 by hio.amakomaya (@hio.amakomaya)
Finally, there were two android questions that were quite active and caught attention, both by (@Gregory):
- Tracker Android Capture program rules - Visit incrementation (Solved)
- QR Code Sharing Feature does not work as expected in Android 3.0.1 (
Finally, there’s an interesting topic in the Research - Recherches category from @Jake_Lamers about using Python to generate reports for CHWs. This topic was at the end of September so it wasn’t highlighted last month: Creation of Personalised Feedback Report for CHW Supervision
Now that we mentioned the Research - Recherches category, if this is an area of interest for you, remember to check out the discussion about ‘DHIS2 Research Forum’ initiative: DHIS2 Research forum
Are there topics from October that you found interesting? Please reply with the topic link and explain why you found it interesting or important.
Top 10 Active Users in October 2024
user profile summarized by AI using public profile info
(Tagging here all the top ten active users so they receive a notification - @jetisco4u, @gregory, @Rae, @ctejo, @Stephan_Mestach, @salad.guyo, @Ulanbek, @hio.amakomaya, @mugisha_alain, @Aminulhaq_SADAT )
- Thankful note to all helpful community members:
Good Samaritans (freely volunteering to help other community members)
Feature finders
Bug hunters
And thanks to all helpful members (October 2024),
Good Samaritans (voluntarily helping other community members)
Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@moses_mwale | @rcpoudel | @Stephan_Mestach | @jetisco4u | @Collin.Dosunmu | @Mbevi | @bhansen | @Norah_Stoops | @kgrepin | @crakotondramanitra | @hio.amakomaya | @mv_evans | @amacaringue | @gregory | @SamuelJohnson | @ctejo | @Shapr0019 | @emad | @plinnegan | @mtushabe | @WaluQ | @igbanam | @mutali | @kaige9at | @Lyn_Pennington | @MiquelAdell | @nasri_nabil | @LutfullahShifaa | @Mayamiko | @Amadou
Bug Hunters
Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.
@kstankevitz | @doctorb | @ravibagul91 | @gregory | @sami.oracle10g
Feature Finders
We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post, and follow the instructions to add ideas into the software roadmap process.
In last month’s challenge, the first person to vote for the correct answer was: @Abdulrahman Congratulations! All who participated receive the CoP Activity Winner badge today. To check out last month’s ‘What is typically not part of the DHIS core team?’ challenge click here.
The challenge for this month (October 2024):
- Edit existing metadata
- Download metadata
- Create new metadata items such as Data Elements or Organisation Units
- Filter items using Name, ID or Code
- Create a large amount of metadata items at once
[First person to answer correctly will be mentioned in the next copmonthly]
HINT: This question is from the Introduction to the Maintenance app unit in the Aggregate Customization Fundamentals digital self-paced course, Aggregate Customization Fundamentals | DHIS2 Online Academy
Get Ready for the End of Year 2024 Event! 
With community presenters we’ve had memorable and inspirational end of year events. Nine community members have presented about their experience in the DHIS2 Community. Would you like to share these moments with us again in 2024?
Helpful community members (anyone tagged in a 2024 CoPmonthly post) are invited to submit a presentation about their experience in the community.
The End of Year 2024 event is our chance to have our online global community event, share feedback, valuable lessons learned, and inspire each other in making this community a helpful place for all DHIS2 people.
Suggested topics can include:
- Your personal story in how you joined, participated, and benefited from the community
- Topics are open for all including developers and non-English speakers
- DHIS2 projects you are involved in
- Feedback for the community
- Anyone tagged in a 2024 CoPMonthly post
- Presentation duration shouldn’t be longer than 10 minutes
- Presentation Submission Deadline: December 01, 2024
- Send presentation to community@dhis2.org
- Event Date: December 2024 (exact date to be confirmed)
Join the awesome list of past community presenters
2021: @vikwato @Wuniche @arifazadkhan
2022: @janagha @tuzoengelbert @mutali
2023: @plinnegan @Mayamiko @sami.oracle10g
2024: :heart-eyes: it’s your chance! Send your presentations to community@dhis2.org
If you are tagged in any 2024 #CoPMonthly topic, you're invited to present in the End of Year event
@Calle_Hedberg @Eng.Ali_Hameed
copmonthly map
Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged above but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.
Want to be added to the copmonthly map?
- Complete your profile info (profile picture + country)
- Members with the above info are tagged in the map when they help other community members
New section: We’re Almost There! 
This is a new section in the copmonthly where we list topics from the same month that might still need a little bit more help. If you’re looking to help around, please have a look in the list below.
Want to help? Click here!
- Implementing Conditional Logic for Multiple Selection Data Elements in DHIS2 v2.41: Challenges and Workarounds
- Root org unit not accessible
- Zero Data Values Not Displaying for Older Periods in DHIS2 2.39.4 - #5 by jounyabass
- Metadata Imports (Option Sets) - Value Type - #3 by Muaz
- Is there an endpoint to fetch list of apps available in the app hub? - #15 by jetisco4u
- Issue of Inconsistent Event Expiry Behavior in DHIS2 - #3 by Nour_Albakeer