OLD Event and Tracker Capture Android Apps are now unsupported

As announced in early June , we are stopping the support and maintenance of the old Event and Tracker Capture Android Apps.

From today, they will be available in Google Play and Github, but we will not follow up the related Jira project and we will not be fixing bugs.

The new & improved DHIS2 Capture Android app supports tracker and event programs, extends the functionality of the old apps and is compatible with 2.30 - 2.34 (and has no breaking changes with 2.29).

We encourage you to check it out and test it on your server.

We are always available for support here in the community. Reach out in either Mobile or Support, just make sure to tag @dhis2-android!

To prevent any problems when making the switch to the new app, please consult this paragraph in the documentation: Migrating from the old apps.


Thanks for sharing this Marta am going to shift and give feedback.
