Old API documentation

Is there an archive link for the old API documentation, v2.33 specifically?

I have a very old 2.33 instance (upgrade is coming soon, I hope!!!) and I need to perform some bulk operations on user groups and sharing.

As I found out to my horror a few days back, sharing and collection apis don’t work quite the same way as they do now, and to avoid me making a huge mess of things and needing to restore a national HMIS, I would really like to see the documentation and make sure everything I am about to do is going to work.

Edit: I think I should go into more detail.

This DHIS2 instance has managed to collect a number of duplicate user groups (same name and nearly identical lists of user members). I have collated these duplicates and for each one identified the original user group and created a master list of all the users from both duplicates.

My intention is to use the User Group admin page to delete the duplicate group, but then use the API to update the users in the original group to contain both sets of users. There are quite a large number of these so it is impractical to do it manually. Updating collections via the API is an area I am a little wobbly on, especially on older versions.



Our docs are open source! And it looks like there’s a branch for each version.

This is probably the file you’re looking for:


Thanks @Rene,

I will save this repo for next time!