Number of TEI returnes in search setting seems is not working

I´m trying to figure out if this parameter is working in version 2.33. When I set the number of TEI to be returned in a search, the results are always more than the specified in the setting.

Apprecciate any guidance on this


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Hi @anamariaelsal,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Are you able to reproduce this in the play servers?

@dhis2-tracker, any input here?

Best regards,

Hello Karoline
Apologies for the late response. I have not the chance to test in the indicated server. will do it and back here with news. Thanks much!

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Hi @anamariaelsal,

Additionally, please check your capture scope. The feature is intended to use when searching outside the capture scope. If your capture scope is the same as search scope, the limit won’t come into effect.

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Could possibly be a bug, as reported by @christos here.

@anamariaelsal, can you see if that is the same behavior as you are encountering?