New WHO metadata packages available

Dear all,

New DHIS2 metadata packages for community health information systems, HIV tracker, malaria surveillance in elimination settings, nutrition and more are now available as part of the DHIS2 health data toolkit.

Release Information Link
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Community of Practice Implementation Community

HIV case surveillance (tracker) [beta]: Developed with WHO in support of the Consolidated HIV Surveillance Guidelines, the tracker package facilitates longitudinal monitoring of HIV patients through recommended sentinel events and key interventions such as antiretroviral therapy, viral load testing, and TB preventive therapy. The dashboard visualizes the cascade of HIV treatment interventions with benchmarks for reaching the 95-95-95 targets.

Community Health Information System (CHIS) (aggregate) [beta]: Developed in collaboration with UNICEF and WHO in support of the WHO’s Guidance for Community Health Worker Strategic Information and Service Monitoring, this modular package covering 21 core health interventions enables integration of community-generated health services data into the HMIS to increase visibility and use for planning and management. Piloting plans are underway with select countries in West Africa.

Malaria Surveillance (tracker): Contains two related tracker programs that support complex workflows for notifying, investigating and classifying malaria cases in elimination settings, as well as conducting foci investigation and linking case data to a malaria focus for classification & response. This package was developed with technical leadership from the WHO Global Malaria Programme, in partnership with the BMGF-funded Digital Solutions for Malaria Elimination.

Nutrition (aggregate): Supports integration of nutrition data generated by facilities, community-based interventions and mass events/campaigns into the HMIS, with dashboards to support monitoring vitamin A/IFA supplementation, infant and young child feeding, maternal counselling, growth monitoring & promotion and wasting. This package is designed in collaboration with UNICEF.

Child Electronic Immunization Registry (tracker): The Child EIR empowers individuals with an electronic record of routine childhood vaccinations, designed according to the WHO-recommended immunization schedule. The tracker program supports clinical and facility level workflows, while dashboards inform actions to reduce under-immunized and zero-dose children. This package was developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Rapid Mortality Surveillance (event): Following the WHO’s Technical Package for Rapid Mortality Surveillance and Epidemic Response, this program provides line-listed reporting on fact-of-death from health facilities and communities to enable powerful analyses of excess deaths to assess the toll of COVID-19 and other health emergencies.

TB (aggregate): An updated package optimized for routine HMIS and developed with the WHO Global TB Programme now includes new datasets and a dashboard for monitoring TB prevention activities, including the identification and screening of household contacts and uptake of TB preventive treatment among contacts.

Please continue the conversation with us here on the COP to let us know your own experience designing, implementing and installing packages for these use cases.


The DHIS2 Team