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Hi Prosper,

Thank you for your interest in DHIS2 and its community module that handles individual level data recording, reporting and tracking. The community module is intended to assist in the working practices of health workers who are engaged in maintaining primary registers - such as family planning register, mother and child register (ANC, immunizatition, PNC…) and the like. In theory you can define any individual level register (including TB and Malaria) that you could find at lowest level health administrative units in a typical developing country setting.

Below is a link for documentation

There you will get a manual from our pilot site currently India (Malawi, Tanzania, Bangladish, Sri Lanka are also interested with the system). You can also take a look for the mobile extension of the community module. With the mobile extension, health workers can go house-to-house guided by “service provision tour guide” which we call activityplan and provide services at the same time collecting data using mobile phones. The data collected can be uploaded to the community module of dhis2 for record maintenance and also generation of aggregate figures for routine reporting - which DHIS2 is very powerful in doing that.

We are yet to have a demo (with dummy individuals, programs and their association) for the community module. But we do have a demo for DHIS2, you can find it from

Using the dhis2 demo, together with the community documentation, you can play with the functionalities of the community module. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us - you can reach all developers of DHIS2 and its community module using




On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 7:54 AM, wrote:


New ticket #435631 created.

Name: Prosper Behumbiize

Dept: Support

Dear Team,

Thanks for the support towards DHIS2, in Uganda we are trying to adopt DHIS and would also want to look into the DHIS2 community for individual patient records.

Is it possible to get in touch with the development team or even get a demo to begin with.



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