New sidebar feature in the DHIS2 Community forum: navigate quickly and easily!

Great news to all community members! We’ve enabled a new navigation feature on the DHIS2 Community of Practice platform. Navigating around the forum will now be easier and quicker as well as customizable.

Previously, the navigation was accessible from the menu that appeared by the Profile Picture in the top right corner of your screen. Now it is a sidebar that appears to the left side of the site. The sidebar includes important links to the latest topics, your posts, and also the Categories and Tags sections. This is consistent with how navigation appears in other popular contemporary applications, and has been requested by several CoP users. Here is a guide to the key features of the sidebar to help you get started using it to navigate on the CoP:

The sidebar can be closed or opened by clicking on the button next to the DHIS2 Community logo. If there is a banner on the page, you will see the sidebar below the banner after scrolling down the page.

The “My Posts” link at the top of the sidebar will allow you to access your posts and thus be able to keep track of your posts; additionally, next to the “My Posts” link there will be a blue dot if there’s any reply to any of your posts:

Furthermore, the Categories and Tags section show the most popular categories by default; however, you can customize the list by highlighting the section’s name and then clicking on the ‘pencil’ icon:

Even better, if you want to add your own custom section with links to your favorite sites, resources, categories, and topics. You can create a new custom section by selecting the plus icon at the very bottom of the sidebar:

One important note is that this sidebar does not replace the Notifications menu, which can still be accessed by clicking on the profile picture. The Notifications menu has several icons to separate the different types of notifications you’ve received:

Please feel free to test the sidebar and post your comments in the Forum Feedback - Forum category. You’re welcome to send us your comments to as well.

With this feature we hope that you will find it easier and quicker to navigate in the community platform and enjoy the experience of engaging by learning and sharing with your fellow community members from around the world.



I already love it! Thanks for enabling!

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Thank you @Rene! I believe other community members will find it useful too. :grin::pray:

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This is such an amazing feature that simplifies the navigation on th CoP.

I am so glad that this was not replaced.

Looking forward to interacting with it even more. Thank you @Gassim