New Google Earth Engine Layers - Automatic Update?

I wanted more information on the landcover data in the Maps App. When I clicked on the link I got a message that there is a new file available. Since this is updated yearly I was wondering if the updated file is also update in the Maps App?

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Hi @Silvia888

Welcome back to the community, and thanks for posting in the Maps category! :tada:

Do you mean if the Google Earth engine that’s being used to integrate with DHIS2 Maps app has updated landcover data? Probably @Bjorn_Sandvik could answer this question :slight_smile:


Thanks for notifying us about the new version of the landcover dataset in Google Earth Engine. We will switch to this version for supported versions of DHIS2, 2.38 and above.

JIRA-issue: [DHIS2-15472] - Jira

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Awesome, thanks Bjorn and team!

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