New blog post: Automating tests for DHIS2 integrations with JUnit 5

We have a new integration blog post using JUnit5 that shows how to share aggregate data of the national DHIS2 system with a regional DHIS2 server. Includes code snippets that synchronize, in one direction, the data value sets between two DHIS2 instances configured with different organization units: Automating tests for DHIS2 integrations with JUnit 5 | DHIS2 Developer Portal

This post demonstrates how a project integrating with DHIS2, such as connecting DHIS2 with another data collection tool, can have its tests automated with Docker. The code examples shown are specific to Java 11 and JUnit 5 but can be adapted to many other programming languages and test frameworks. The complete code example is available on GitHub for those who want to take a deep dive into the code.